Gernika - "ST"


Genres: Neocrust, Female vocal

Release year: 2020

Country: Russian Federation

City: Saint Petersburg

Language: Russian

Format: .mp3

Bitrait: 280 kbps

01. Министерство Любви (Ministry of Love) 01:46

02. Искра Жизни (Spark of Life) 03:21

03. Герой Отчизны (Hero of the Fatherland) 03:29

04. Alerta! 02:05

05. Структура (Structure) 01:41

06. Несогласие (Disagreement) 02:16

07. Мать-Земля (Mother Earth) 05:10

Size: 43,3 Mb

Status: Verified

Downloaded: 9 times