I moved site to the “.org” domain now we live at https://www.terralibera.org/ The server moved from USA to the Netherlands, because US hosting company terminated the contract with me after starting Putin`s war. Now I live in Russia, but to accuse me of sympathizing with Putin`s fascist state is idiotic in the highest degree. I hope I will soon change the country of residence if I have time before the borders are closed. Of the pluses: the ping (waiting time for a response from the server) from the Europe/Russia became 40 msec, it used to be 350 msec. Plus, I improved some database calls and the page load speed hangs around 400 mms, this is OK. I didn't measure the speed on the last server, it's a pity. Of the minuses: all the ratings in the search engines were reset due to the fact that I had little time for a competent site moving. Now I will have to understand SEO in order to return everything to its previous positions. From the new: I began to cut a bot for auto-generation of torrents, so as not to spend a lot of time filling the tracker, but to deal more densely with its functionality.