Storyteller #5

Released: Spring, 2020
Storyteller #5

After a break of one and a half years, the 5th issue of Storyteller was published.
Inside of:
- Longread from Micke Yellow about russian diy-punk
- Interview whith Feedbacker
- Comics from Kesha and Purpur_Cube
- Monologs  from bosses of siberian diy booking firms: YETI MODEDEAFKVLT PROMO,  Егором Вольфом из ГИГ N; N+1Полиной Кошечкиной и Олей Брик.

1 $, B/w printing, Format: А5, Language: RU, Available: 5 pc.

STS #1

Released: Winter, 2020
STS #1

The zine from young activists of DIY hardcore community, from Perm city - STS A.K.A Save That Shit.
On this 28 pages u will find: interview whith bands Bad Voice , Секундное Дело and Sasha Mikrob, also arts, collages, funny things, personal thought.
Everything is made in the best traditions of DIY zines of the mid-2000s, adding a light flair GTA San Andreas.

Zine contact:

1 $, B/w printing, Format: А5, Language: RU, Available: 5 pc.

Баба Зина #2

Released: Spring, 2009
Баба Зина #2

Inside of:
- Interviews whith "Чокнутый Пропеллер (Petrozavodsk/RU, streetpunk/hc)", "Red Card (Izhevsk/RU, streetpunk/Oi!)", "The Unseen (streetpunk)", whith participant of "St-66" about GWARP.
- About 10 different notes and columns (Think about who your friends are, Humor creates movements, A little bit about the girls, Incident with SS-Kaliert, Stay young, Russian Distro review)
- Report from "AmadayFest 2".
- Reviews and much more.

Zine contact: Ufacity-punkrock(А)

1 $, B/w printing, Format: А5, Language: RU, Available: 3 pc.

Frenzy Times #2

Released: Spring, 2010
Frenzy Times #2

Inside of:
- Interview: Luta Armada, Diagens, Голод и тётка (Hunger and Aunt), xwillkax girl,
- Report on a trip to Scandinavia on West Coast Riot
- History of the Nasum band
- Vegan recipes
- Columns


Zine contact:

1 $, B/w printing, Format: А5, Language: RU, Available: 2 pc.

Storyteller #2

Released: Winter, 2018
Storyteller #2

Inside of:
- Interview whith Viva La Vulva!, Атомный Квас (Atomic Kvass), ОП, Fleshwar, Шумные и угрожающие выходки (Noisy and threatening antics)
- Book and CD review,
- Longread from Атомного Кваса (Atomic Kvass)

Zine contact:

1 $, B/w printing, Format: А5, Language: RU, Available: 2 pc.

Storyteller Zine #1

Storyteller Zine #1

Inside of:
- Interview whith "Вызывай ментов (Call the cops)", "Ignassio Del Toro"
- Gig reviews
- Mini-comics
- Book and CD review
- Notes from Sinking Ship

Zine contact:

1 $, B/w printing, Format: А5, Language: RU, Available: 2 pc.

Radio Hurma #1

Released: Summer, 2012
Radio Hurma #1

This issue is devoted anniversary of work our station on the waves of Internet radio broadcasting. We made a lot but even more we didn`t make. We lost people, we endured critique, often we experienced offensive indifference from the listeners and sometimes we wanted  just to drop this idea.

However, we found a lot of nice peoples. There are people who  special came early from job for listen our  broadcasts. There are those who care about all this. Our radio has become an idea, a symbol that gathers people around it and holds them together. So we can still spend our evenings at the microphone and play records, bringing punk rock to every home. And so, as a result, as the apotheosis of all that has happened to us over the past year, we provide you with our unformatted printed work.

What lies ahead? Of course, technical improvements, new shows, new features, more interviews, and more. What's waiting for you in the zine? A small selection of all the most interesting things that were on the radio over the past year. Absorb it!

1 $, B/w printing, Format: А5, Language: RU, Available: 2 pc.

164 #1

Released: Spring, 2010
164 #1

The zine of DIY label/distro/club Yaizekletka Records.
On the pages:  - Columns, repor about anniversary concerts in the Yaizekletka club,
- Inerview with Ziolkowski (indie-rock, Krasnodar), Tydish (harsh-noise/power electronics, Anapa), Street-Art, Andy Warhol,
- Notes "About forams SP & EP", "DIY: How to decor CDr"
- Poems, arts, anounces, reviews.
This zine rather local, about Krasnodar area and his purpose is to arouse interest to ours actions and stir up those who attend our concerts

1 $, B/w printing, Format: А5, Language: RU, Available: 1 pc.

Му`ху`ху #6

Released: Spring, 2018
Му`ху`ху #6

Don't buy buy a pack of cigarettes! Don't buy a jar of beer. Buy this zine! Six years later, the next issue of the fanzine Му-Ху-Ху #6 was released. In the best traditions DIY ethics: no gloss, no colors, b / W manual printing, A5 format, 52 pages.
On the pages:
- Interviews with the fathers of the Krasnodar hardcore scene ЯРОСТЬ (RAGE), with fathers Voronezh HC scene GLOVES OFF, SIDE STEP (Voronezh, young hardcore band), SNAKE PIT (Saint Petersburg, hc/thrashcore),
- Interview whith distro-boss and creator of the zine STORYTELLER from Krasnoyarsk (Siberia).
- Some reviews, notes, skaters and a bunch of reports with photos from local gigs in the Kuban

1 $, B/w printing, Format: А5, Language: RU, Available: 1 pc.

No name #1

Released: Autumn, 2011
No name #1

Cut and paste zine from Ukraine.

Contains columns, reviews, articles, view with Diagens, Партия (Party), Не для продажи (Not for sale), One big Pack, Не зламати! (Not zlamati!), the zine 'Голос изнутри' (Voice from within), 'Лобковый ирокез' Pubic Mohawk...

Zine contact:

1 $, B/w printing, Format: А5, Language: RU, Available: 1 pc.